Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Animal Control Invention Can Cut World Flu Epidemic Risks

Pet Door Invention Can Help Stop New Virus Mutations From Starting.

Innovation Institute’s pet access control patent applications help reduce flu epidemics started from farm animals.

Many flue epidemics happen when cats and dogs track dirt indoors.  The tracked germs mix their DNA with human viruses.  This causes new flu epidemics. We want to contribute free electronic patent rights to help avoid future world flu epidemics. Non-profit organizations willing to invest in Innovation Institute’s pet access control inventions to help 3rd world countries with education, and solar powered versions of the inventions might be made available.

Governments lack funds. Volunteer or take part in some way. Communicate with people looking for the best way to donate money to charities of their choice. Tie donations to your charity that helps reduce world influenza risks with royalty free influenza control technology from Innovation Institute. The needed organizer can have excellent freedom in doing what’s needed.  A copy of the sample license agreement which can be modified to free pet door invention royalties is at www.InventionSpringboard.com

More on animal to human influenza: www.ZooNosesDiseases.com
Web surf about animal to human causes of predicted influenza via terms like - virus mutation "animals to humans" dirty paws.

Future Innovation Institute, LLC patent applications to be published will go into more detail on controlling influenza risks through patented animal access control technology.

More on the very basic versions of the Adaptive Pet Door.

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